Agent's Referral Program

Ember Realty Is Your Partner In Property Management

When you referral an Owner or Landlord to Ember Realty we will make sure your are paid for your trust in us.

Send us your referral!

Simply fill out the contact form on this page. Make sure to include both your information and your clients.

We take it from there!

We’ll call the client and help them make the appointment to sit down and review what to expect.

We pay you up to $500 for every door you send us!

Your check goes in the mail as soon as we get paid for placing a tenant in the rental.


Ember Realty does market to ALL of our clients in an attempt for them to send us additional owners and/or renters. Ember Realty will not pay a referral fee if the referred owner refers any additional owners and/or renters.

We appreciate your consideration and look forward to working with you soon.

Real Estate Agent Referral Fees For Tenants

Do you have tenants interested in one of our properties? No worries, we have you covered there as well.

Tenant Referral Program Details:

To participate in our Tenant Referral Program and qualify for the Tenant Referral Fee, simply provide us with complete and verified information about a qualified Prospective Tenant. Once this tenant successfully leases one of our rental properties, the referring agent will receive the designated Referral Fee.

Important Requirements:

  • The referring agent must personally show the listed property to the Prospective Tenant to be eligible for payment.
  • The referral fee will be paid only upon successful lease signing by the referred tenant.

Referral Fee Structure:

  • $150 for properties with a monthly rent of $950 – $1,900
  • $250 for properties with a monthly rent of $1,901 – $3,800
  • $300 for properties with a monthly rent above $3,800

Thank you for your referrals, and we look forward to working together to secure tenants for our properties.

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